Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000173_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Nov 16 03:36:11 1997.msg
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Reply-To: Mushroom PD <mushypd@redrose.net>
X-Mailer: MPDMailpost by Andy Kellett (mushypd@redrose.net)
From: Mushroom PD <mushypd@redrose.net> (Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett)
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Subject: AMOSPro Release: MPDMailpost Update!!
Status: O
This is an update to one of my AMOS programs, written with the excellent
GUI extension. If anyone would like to have it sent to them via email,
please let me know.
Im also looking for betatesters to try it out before I place it on aminet.
If your interested, please tell me your machine configuration so I can note
it down.
Short: V2. Post Same Mails to Large Lists of Recipients Easily
Author: Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett (mushypd@redrose.net)
Uploader: Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett (mushypd@redrose.net)
Type: comm/mail
Ever had a large list of email recipients who you want to send the same
mail to, such as a mailing list of people for example, and cant be bothered
to make each individual message in YAM, or use the BCC: function in case it
messes up and bounces to everybody in your list, if even 1 of the long
list of address' was bad, well now you can safetly.
This small program has a simple GUI which allows you to input the necessary
data, such as where the list of recipients is, and the ASCII file you wish
to send them, your Email address, and its just a case of hitting the GO!
Fully customizable interface, which supports many tooltypes for ease of
use, including GUI font sensitivity.
This program is mailing-list ware, which means that as a way of saying
thank-you to me, just send me info of any mailing-lists which you may run
with the program, or groups which you post to. These lists will then be
placed on my WWW pages for all to see and read about. Please, dont
subscribe me to the lists, as I get enough mail as it is. If I like the
list a lot, then I will join.
If you wish to be informed of new updates and releases of this program,
then drop me a line at mushypd@redrose.net with your email address.
* Now has support for users of YAM who found the AmiTCP mail-sending
functions a little confusing in the previous release. It simply writes
the mail to the YAM:Outgoing/ folder, so when you go into YAM and open
the outgoing section, they will all be listed as individual files. The
old UUSPOOL: mailing functions are still supported fully for auto-SMTP
* Detailed statistics. I have included two percentage bars, one which tells
you how far through the list of recipients it has progressed so far, and
the second how far through the individual mail the program is working on.
The first is handy for large lists of people, so you know roughly how far
along it is, and the second if you are sending large mails (only usefull
in YAM, UUSPOOL: mails just progress in 4 steps)
There is also 2 boxes at the bottom of the GUI which will tell you how
many bytes in total the system has posted (which is saved to the disk)
along with a total for the time in which you have had the program
running. The same kind of system also appears for the number of mails
posted through the program.
* Scripture interface scheme added. This is especially usefull if you
have a mailing-list program (such as Mailinglist Manager) you can call
the program by having it check for a special script (located in the root
of SYS: partition/disk) which a program of yours can generate, and all
you need do is start this program once.
* Number of bug fixes, mainly the one where when you hit GO! for a second
time, it would sometimes shut down due to a small file remaining open.
Add my own SMTP posting routine, which connects directly to the server. I
have a routine which already does this, but removed it at the last minute
as it was causing some strange results on the server.
The next version will probably have news posting capabilities. I have
already written several programs which do this (part of my Mailinglist
Manager software package) and havent had time to incorporate them into this
Im unsure of what else to add, if you have any suggestions, then please feel
free to contact me at mushypd@redrose.net where I will be more than willing
to help you just as soon as I can.
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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